


外科手术靠精准度发展. Even the slightest disruption to the operating room process can cause issues that may impact the procedure’s integrity. Therefore, every member of the 外科手术 team needs to work in a manner that promotes cohesion.

One of these critical team members is the 外科手术技术, often called a 磨砂技术. 他们的工作与整个手术过程有关, 包括术前和术后阶段. Their duties help optimize operating room cleanliness and 外科手术 team efficiency, 这两个指标对于提供尽可能最好的病人护理至关重要. 

对于那些有兴趣获得 医学技术学位 追求一个角色 外科手术技术, it is important to fully understand what a 磨砂技术 is and why they play such a vital role in the 外科手术 process. 


A 外科手术技术 is called a 磨砂技术 because of the work they do in an operating room, 门诊设施, 或者是一个流动手术中心. They often function as the right hand of a surgeon during an operation by handing them instruments and other supplies. 这是医疗剧中经常出现的角色, 但这只是他们工作职责的一小部分. 这些职责可分为三类:术前, 外科手术, 术后职责.


在手术之前, 磨砂技术 prepare all of the tools needed for the procedure, ensuring that all the equipment is sterile. 另外, 外科手术 拆弹专家 will perform quality control checks to make sure everything will function properly. 他们的准备工作也延伸到病人身上, as they conduct tasks such as transporting patients to the operating room and shaving and disinfecting their incision sites.

Scrub 拆弹专家 will help physicians and other 外科手术 team members “scrub” before the operation. This process involves scrubbing their hands and arms before they put on clean hospital gowns, 面具, 还有乳胶手套——通常被称为消毒服. 这些衣服很容易穿和清洁,没有口袋, 这有助于减少潜在污染物的存在. 


A 外科手术技术 passes sterile instruments to both surgeons and first 外科手术 assistants as they’re called out during the operation. 这是手术中非常重要的一部分 拆弹专家 他们需要掌握所有合适的工具, as well as anticipate any other tools or supplies a surgeon might require during a procedure. 这些供应品不仅是执行程序所必需的, 它们最终可以在挽救生命方面发挥重要作用.

除了这个重要的责任, 磨砂技术 may also conduct tasks such as holding organs steady during an operation or preparing robotic 外科手术 equipment. 另外, they may need to handle various specimens intended for lab analysis.


手术后, a 外科手术技术 may apply dressings and bandages to the incision site to keep it clean. 他们还可以帮助将病人转移到恢复室. 一旦手术室空了, they can restock necessary supplies and disinfect 外科手术 equipment and tools.

另一个重要的活动 磨砂技术手术前后的S是手术计数. 这一过程包括对仪器进行严格的盘点, 压缩, 海绵, 以及手术过程中使用的针头. Counting must happen before a procedure to ensure every tool or material needed for the procedure is available. It must also happen after a procedure to ensure everything is collected and not accidentally left inside the patient, which could result in dire consequences for a patient’s postoperative health.

Scrub Tech vs . Scrub Tech. 手术助理护士 

“磨砂技师”和“外科技师”这两个词是可以互换的. 另一方面,“磨砂技师”和“磨砂护士”这两个词则不是. 这有时会令人困惑,因为这两个角色有一些不同 重叠的职责. 例如, 两者都有助于准备操作工具, 确保仪器消毒, 并在手术后帮助运送病人到康复室.

The key difference between the two roles involves the terminology’s application. “Scrub tech” is a blanket term used to describe 外科手术技术s responsible for the essential technical elements of the process. “Scrub nurse” is used to describe specific types of 外科手术 or operating room nurses who can take on additional tasks. These tasks can include administering medication during surgeries and monitoring vital signs after surgeries.


一旦有兴趣的人了解了擦洗技术是什么, it is important for them to explore the typical steps needed to become a 磨砂技术. 


The typical educational benchmark for a 磨砂技术 is the completion of a 外科技师大专学历 或者证书课程. These programs commonly blend classroom and hands-on clinical work to create a holistic learning environment. 这个英国正版365官方网站可以成为一个机构更大的稳定英国正版365官方网站的一部分 医疗技术人员计划.


这取决于他们的实践水平, individuals may be required to obtain professional certification and licensure after graduating from a 外科手术技术 program. 不管他们的要求是什么, obtaining a credential such as a certified 外科手术技术 (CST) or a tech in surgery-certified (TS-C) certification can improve an aspiring 磨砂技术’s employment chances with prospective employers, 有些雇主还要求有证书. 


因为擦洗技师在手术环境中工作, they can also hone their craft to work toward assisting in a surgery specialization. 外科专业领域包括结肠和直肠手术, 神经外科手术, 整形外科手术, 还有儿科手术.


擦洗技师是外科团队中必不可少的一员, 帮助保护病人的安全, 促进手术过程的有效进行, 减少出错的风险. Scrub 拆弹专家 gain job satisfaction from providing cohesion to any 外科手术 process, 大或小, 同时帮助病人改善健康状况.

富通的医疗技术人员和技术员 programs can help prepare you for a gratifying career in the healthcare industry. 我们的 外科技师大专学历 程序可以帮助你获得知识, 技能, and clinical experience needed not only to be able to perform the duties associated with the role but also to execute them with confidence. Learn more about what a 磨砂技术 is and how we can help you get ready for this rewarding profession.

外科助理vs. 外科手术技术

巴西护理杂志, “Surgical Counting: Design of Implementation and Maintenance of a Standardized Evidence-Based Procedure”
事实上,“清洁护士vs .护士. 外科技术:职业差异”
The National Board of 外科手术技术 and Surgical Assisting, CST Certification
U.S. 劳工统计局,外科助理和技术人员
Verywell Health,“什么是磨砂技术”?”